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In US news and current events today, Tunisian handball referee Abdelhak Etlili is taking to the streets and handing out penalty cards to citizens breaking Tunisian social distancing guidelines. 19-year-old Etlili hits the street daily in his handball referee uniform watching citizens and talking about the dangers of the coronavirus in a manner befitting a referee. If he catches someone breaking social distancing rules, he blows his whistle and issues a red, yellow, or blue warning card. The warning depends on the severity of the ‘penalty.’ Yellow is a warning, red is a disqualification, and blue is a report. Of course, the penalties aren’t real. Etlili is using them to spread awareness symbolically. Etlili says people sometimes react to him negatively, but for the most part, the feedback has been positive. Tunisia is currently under a general lockdown that lifts on May 4. As of April 29, the North African country has reported at least 975 coronavirus cases and at least 40 deaths stemming from COVID-19.
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