This virus crisis has set a perfect stage for their failed attempts to usher the American public into their theatrical trump hatred performance. Finally, a crisis that literally HITS HOME. Russia and the Ukraine were too foreign and the impeachment was far off in Washington DC. It didn’t affect every American family. This does and it’s a convenient opportunity. They saw it coming and took advantage. I am going to fall short of saying this was manufactured by the democratic party here. But it’s ridiculously obvious that they wanted Bill Gates to be the savior with his vaccine arriving just late enough to impact the election. How badly they have attempted to discredit the idea that a cheap malaria drug might be a solid treatment. That doesn’t benefit big pharma. Discrediting even when there were proven cases. A drug that’s been listed on the Worlds Heath Organizations essential medicines list and that’s been time tested since WW2. GOOD NEWS is our President is on top of this B.S. This morning suspending funding to that same organization over their Corona Virus response. The democratic party is in bed with a lot of powerful organizations. It’s sinister, it’s evil. Isn’t it ironic that The Open Society Foundation began making contributions of 3 million dollars in mid-December to fund Priorities USA the top super PAC backing Joe Biden bombarding President Donald Trump on the airwaves in key battleground states, like Michigan, Ads targeting the president’s coronavirus response in dramatic fashion fueling the pandemic pandemonium with clips of doctors and nurses sounding the alarm about the crisis.
Face facts, they saw this coming. They are the ones conspiring and then they want their submissive followers to throw conspiracy theorist around as an insulting term with all the others. For me, I am over the insults. Sticks and Stones. It just rolls off. They knew about this long before the public announcements in Jan. Before that “first” case in China, in January. Now America as a captive audience for their imaginary promises about healthcare that they can’t back up with a decent plan and the last stroke of paint on the masterpiece is permanent government expansion and control through emergency legislation.
All of this is pushing their agenda and we can’t be blind to this. Whether you agree with the protesters that want to get back to work or you feel safer with staying at home, that’s your freedom, your right. Protest, speak up, because this is OUR America.