Questioner (Rahul): hi! Just one more Question in the Qur’an 96 Ch. No. 2 it says… created man out of a mere clot of congenial blood. I was listening to the Hindi translation, Urdu translation of this as well a few days ago and it did say that ‘khoon ki boondh se’… I don’t ... us se banaya. Now we know that this, this is common knowledge now that we’re actually not born from a drop of blood, it’s a drop of semen so I do see a translation of another verse it says ‘then fashioned we the drop in brackets semen a clot of congealed blood then fashioned we the clot a little lump so that means it puts the blood in the second stage but I .. I don’t think blood comes towards the later stages of… you being a doctor can you probably throw more light.
Dr. Zakir: Sure. Verily, you’ve asked the right person. Qur’an says in Surah Nahl ch. 16 verse 43 & Surah Ambiya Ch. 21 Verse no. 7
“fas-aloo ahla azikri in kuntum la ta’lamoona”
“If you don’t know ask the person who knows.”
I’m not very knowledgeable but in these few things I’m knowledgeable, Alhamdulillah. I’m not a very knowledgeable person I’m just a student of comparative religion and I’m just a small Doctor, MBBS.
But this is my field of specialty. This same argument was given by Dr. William Campbell. There’s a person by the name of Dr. William Campbell. Who’s a medical doctor & got a PHD in writing a book against the Qur’an. He wrote a book saying there are 30 scientific errors in the Qur’an. And for 8 years no Muslim replied so the American students they called me for a debate & I went to USA, In Chicago a few years back and we had a debate on the topic ‘The bible & the Qur’an in the light of science’ and one of his arguments was the same what you posed that the first 2 verses of the Qur’an to be revealed of Surah Alaq or Surah Iqra Ch 96 verse no. 1 and 2 which says
“Iqra bi-ismi rabbika allazee khalaqa Khalaqa al-insana min alaq”
“Read, recite or proclaim! In the Name of your Lord, Who created, who created man from a congenital clot of blood.”
He said that this verse is basically copied the Greek’s first thought that human beings are made from blood, it’s an old theory which is proved wrong. And I as a medical doctor know yes human beings are not made from blood so Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), he did a research. He copied from this Syrian; he copied from that Greek and a big list he made. Research… And he said see Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), Nauzubillah, Prophet Muhammad he copied from the Syrian, from this guy, and he gave a big lineage where he got it from, his research. He has PHD he did. He’s a PHD doctor and a medical doctor. Then he further goes to say that all the translation you read. It says blood, blood, blood. But latest some of the Muslims translate Alaqa as a leech like substance, he knew it. Which you don’t know, he knew it. But in defense he’s saying we have to take the meaning what was at the time of revelation of the Qur’an. We can’t take a meaning which is understood today. At the time the Qur’an was revealed no one understood it as leech and he’s right...
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