Sometimes we can compare life to a school. The planet earth we live on is the learning institution or our classroom. Everyday we learn something new, whether it be big or small. We all learn different lessons in life and everyone is moving at their on learning speed. The way in which life teaches us lessons could be for example, providing situations that cause some sort of suffering that helps you grow up and also making mistakes in life is another way of learning, because sometimes in life you cannot succeed without initially failing a few times.
Many people want to succeed in life. But most to them hate struggling or going through pains in order to achieve success. In order to reach high, for some people the climb up the success ladder might be easy. But for others the climb could be very steep. Either way, you got to love the climb in order to reach up high. You have to stay strong, focused and calm by leaving the failures of your past behind, healing from emotional and physical pains and freeing yourself from unwanted emotional baggage.
The goal to success is having a clear focus, building your self up through failure and finding Inner strength to overcome every struggle and hurdle in life that get thrown at your path, in the midst of your climb up high towards success. In order for growth sprout to occur, we have to go through the growing pains as well. As the old saying goes, “No pain, no gain”. So gain success in life with the best and positive hopes that struggles and hard work will pay off, if not today, some day 🌸🌿. Andrea Fredy.