i) "Steve Jobs wouldn't have been a revolutionary businessman without Steve Wozniak. Even though he might have been some millionaire businessman in some corner of the world, he most certainly wouldn't have become the legendary historical figure that he is today",
ii) "Donald Trump is a product of the times. It's a specific political climate that helped his political success and made his presidency possible"
"And I wanted to know whether these conclusions are valid...which is why I asked you that question. ... "Does HISTORICAL GREATNESS (not just mere success) take a certain amount of luck?"
The above part is from the comment from a viewer, Rajendra Prasad, who refined his question for a previous video In the comment of that video you can read the whole text.
In this video I explain that I believe that achieving greatness that is recognized by future generations is 99.99% of luck. The opposite of luck is well defined strategy executed very well.
Of course you need to do something to be recognized but lots of people did a lot of things like artists, scientists, politicians. And many of them died without becoming famous while some gained recognition well after their death. I would change the focus on the people who think that somebody is great. People all over the world need heroes as we learnt from Joseph Campbell's book "The hero with a thousand faces." So people need to refer to others, use quotes from them, write book about them etc So there is a need for a certain amount of famous people in each domain like art, history, science, religion. And depending on the culture of that time and organization heroes will be picked. But things change and maybe later new ones will be celebrated. Like Edison was very famous. He exploited Tesla in his lab but now Tesla is recognized more than Edison.
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