As you can imagine, though, feeling and processing more intensely has some downsides. So without further ado, here are 13 struggles only Highly Sensitive People will probably relate to
Suggested video(s):
Understanding the Highly Sensitive Person
8 Things That Make an HSP hard to Love
6 Types of Highly Sensitive People
Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Denise Ding & Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Nida - (chubby.nida@gmail.com)
Chubbynidastore -
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
· Aron, E. N. (1996). Counseling the highly sensitive person. Counseling and Human Development, 28, 1-7.
· Killgore, W. D. (2010). Effects of sleep deprivation on cognition. In Progress in brain research(Vol. 185, pp. 105-129). Elsevier.
· Aron, E. (2013). The highly sensitive person. Kensington Publishing Corp.
· Sand, I. (2016). Highly Sensitive People in an Insensitive World: How to Create a Happy Life. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
· Zeff, T. (2004). The Highly Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide: Essential Skills for Living Well in an Overstimulating World. New Harbinger Publications.
Special thanks to ChubbyNida:
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