
Stream Selection|Which stream to choose after 10th| What after 10th|Commerce|Science|Arts|Humanities

Stream Selection|Which stream to choose after 10th| What after 10th|Commerce|Science|Arts|Humanities #subject-selection #class10th #career-after-10th

Choosing a career path is a big decision to make, so take your time to consider your options carefully. There are many things to take into account when choosing a career, such as your concentration power, competitive strength, attitude, skills and interests. It's important to see the big picture and make informed decisions.

Up until now, your school and the board decided what you have to study. You were taught basics of everything - Science, Mathematics, English, Social studies, etc. But after 10th, you have to make a decision of which subject you want to excel in. There will be different streams consisting of different subjects, and each stream will lead to a different career path. So thinking about what you actually want to become - is also an important thing to do right now!

In this video, we will give you a small overview of what are some of the main streams available in most schools, and what career path they lead to.

Science - One of the most sought after streams. Science students have an option for opting one of the two group of subjects -
Non-medical - Physics, Chemistry, Maths
Medical - Physics, Chemistry, Biology

The subjects offered for arts or humanities field are: Compulsory subjects: History, Geography, Political Science, English.
Optional Subjects: Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Dance, Music, Fine arts, Multimedia, Fashion Designing, Legal Studies, Graphic Designing, Physical Education, Entrepreneurship, Philosophy etc..
This leads to careers like
Indian administrative services

Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies
English, Mathematics (optional)
Careers - most sought after are
CA (Chartered Accountant)
CS (Company Secretary)
Corporate law
CFA (Chartered financial analyst)
Economics researchers/professors

after 10th what to do
career guidance after 10th
career options after 10th
courses after 10th
career after 10th
what after 10th
career opportunities after 10th
what after 10th class
career prospects after 10th class
what to do after 10th class
Select career after 10th
Future plan after 10th class

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