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How To Get Shadow Or Ghost Skye - Complete 18 Skye Challenges fortnite Season 2 Chapter 2
and final shadow mission or ghost final mission
are : Find SHADOW Ollie in Weeping Woods
Find GHOST Ollie at Frenzy Farm
Skye's adventure challenges are :
Search Chests at Spy Bases
Deal damage to players with SMGs or Pistols
Mark an Uncommon, Rare, and Epic item
Collect 75 of each material within 60 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus
Hide in a Creepin' Cardboard at the Box Factory
Consume Foraged Items at Weeping Woods or The Orchard
Visit The Shark, Rapid's Rest, and Gorgeous Gorge
Escape a Vault using a Secret Passage
Visit Skye's coastal campsites
Pull a player or Henchman with a Harpoon Gun
All Week 8 Skye Challenges:
- Search Chests at Landmarks
- Eliminate Players with SMGs from Within 15 meters
- Hit 5 Consecutive Weak Points while Harvesting Materials
- Fly a Choppa under Purple, Red, and Blue Steel Bridges
- Stoke a Campfire, Consume Foraged Apple, Consume Foraged Mushroom
- Land at The Shark and Visit The Agency in the Same Match
- Hit Pistol Headshots on Players or Henchman
- Search Skye's Sword in A Stone Found in High Places
- Block Damage with a Kingsman
- Bounce on Crash Pads in different Matches