- If you are alone, without possibility to attend art school or academy, copying is best way for practice. If you copy, try to copy from the masters for assimilate poetry, esthetic sense and brave vision. Then become a master yourself following the Pyhtagoreans way.
- intercept your prefer master and start to copy his work. To copy a master it gives you his own "power". When you assimilate it, step by step broaden your prospects.
- what is Pyhtagorean way?
- Poetry is important as the technique, and this appear when you, throught the use of the technique, increase your ability.
- PRACTICALLY I would recommend to drawing from 2D to 2D the best examples drawings that you can find, then drawing from LIVE, translating in 2D what is in 3D.
This method will give you a complete cognition of the forms and how the subject works within his context. How to make it i teaching in my workshop.
- Try to find your own style, try to find yourself. Be brave to be yourself.
- Kill yourself so you could reborn. To make Art in the right way is always a therapy.
- main advice: don t be afraid to experiment. Be brave to experiment
Emanuele Dascanio was born in Garbagnate Milanese in 1983.
Inquisitive and curious like a child (but with a wisdom beyond his age), Emanuele never tires of studying and trying out new techniques.
Yet, he is laser-focused on drawing in charcoal and graphite on paper, his media of choice.
From his apprentice days in the Milano studio of Gianluca Corona until this day, he has clocked up over 50,000 hours perfecting his art—and perfect it is: arresting black-and-white portraits with intensely speaking eyes and the occasional full-color still life with an unexpected power to enthrall the viewer.
Even though his hyperrealist works require almost medieval amounts of painstaking labor (upward of 700 hours a piece is no exception), they have a decidedly contemporary feel: his subjects are often wise men or pensive women that you may encounter in the street, in the forest—or in your dreams for that matter, because they tend to have a whiff of magic and mystery about them.
Emanuele’s personal style keeps evolving and in the process redefining what graphite and charcoal drawing represents today.
Emanuele’s art is slowly and intensely made and is best savored in the same way.
Devotes much time to the study of artistic techniques and the search for continuous improvement of its expressive capabilities.
His works are in private collections in all over the world.
Currently is an IBEX MASTER.