check out our podcast channel THE MUSTARDS :
rules for women podcast episode :
in this video i challenge the beauty industry’s way of making us feel less pretty. plus why i consider myself anti anti-aging!
i talk about:
- how to be comfortable in our own skin !
- is the beauty industry dangerous ?
- ridiculous beauty standards !
- do we have to be FIXED ?
- aging = damage !??
- a product for everything !
- makeup, skincare, creams, haircare, rollers, gloves, wax strips – it never ends !
- what is holding us back from feeling pretty ?
- hairy upper lips, big pores, fine lines = imperfections ?
- looking in the mirror vs. staring at the mirror !
- putting each other down with “insult compliments” !
- feeling more sexy with AGE ?
- becoming older = becoming more kickass !
- criticising others’ looks !
- telling david to buy wrinkle cream !?
- do we feel ugly because we ARE ugly ?
- focusing on health !
- how to stop overthinking ?
- stop following negativity = choose media + influencers that make you feel good!
Why Women Can't Do What They Want Podcast:
check us out on instagram !
@jennymustard -
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#antiaging #beauty #problemskin