Hundreds of migrant workers in Mumbai’s Bandra on Tuesday came out on roads asking officials to let them go back to their natives. The massive gathering took place near Bandra railway station and bus stand. According to reports, the crowd was dispersed later after police officials and local leaders intervened and asked them to vacate
Capital Tv,capital tv india,opinion post,Latest News,Amit Shah Calls Uddhav Thackeray Over Mumbai Protest,Bandra station,Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray,1000 migrant workers gathered at Bandra Railway station,State Tourism Minister Aaditya Thackeray,shelters across Maharashtra,pandemic in India,pelts stones at police personnel,Tablighi Jamat controversy,ICMR Reports on Corona,Janta Curfew on march 22,Tablighi Jamat,