CORONA VIRUS BLUES aka: Fiesta Fauci Folk Song
Well I’m sitting here at home
Would really like to roam
I’m just past seventy – five
Just Tryin to stay alive
Watch a little Netflix
Then I Listen to the news
Life’s a roadway of rocks and flowers
And It’s up to us to choose.
I went to the grocery store
Needed spaghetti and sauce
I’m the designated food gatherer
Named so by my wife…the boss.
Most of the women had masks
This one guy walked past with a naked face
Breathed on me as he went bout his task.
To diminish the human race.
He was one of those macho honchos etc.
The virus could divide us
Let’s hope it will unite us
Like politics and a ton of bricks
It landed Just to spite us.
Need to flatten that curve…that nasty old bump
Ignore tricky Trump ….he thinks he’s on the stump
Listen my friends Listen close my friend…..to feisty Fausti.
Take my dog for a walk twice a day
If I get to close to folks they point and say stay
Most of the people I pass say hi or hello
Isolation must make most folks mellow
My dog doesn’t even smell other dogs butts
We’re both locked in our little bubbles
But we’re both still alive,
Both past seventy five
Lived long enough to know we got troubles
Get back late afternoon for the coronavirus update
Wait for the ringmaster … Who’s normally late
Listen an hour to insults and perceived slights
From the ringmaster’s who’s ego requires a media fight
I prefer to listen to the folks who can advise
About how to keep us safe….. How to keep us alive
The virus could divide us. L
et’s hope it will unite us
Like politics and a ton of bricks
It landed Just to spite us.
Need to flatten the curve…that nasty old bump
Ignore tricky Trump…..he still thinks he’s on the stump
Listen my friends Listen close my friend…..to feisty Fausti.
Our grandkids must really love us
They don’t want to give us the virus
Cause they no longer come to visit
Or is that the reason…..is it?
Each day now seems like ground hogs day
Blurring, numbing slow.
But, if you hear this song....you’re still alive
That’s all you gotta know.