
Seven Samurai vs Magnificent Seven - Original vs Remake

Seven Samurai vs Magnificent Seven - Original vs Remake We look at Seven Samurai vs The Magnificent Seven as an original vs remake (or inspired adaptation). This Akira Kurosawa classic has inspired multiple films in different genres, some of which we look at next week.

SPOILER ALERT - there will be plot elements related to the endings for both movies. If you haven't seen them, go watch them now.

Where to watch online (current as of 05/30/20) -

1954 -
1960 -

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Show notes:

0:01:10 - what makes movies memorable

0:02:30 - when is a plot twist satisfying

0:04:06 - why Akira Kurosawa is a renowned filmmaker /
how Seven Samurai may be his best film

0:05:02 - how Toshiro Mifune is Kurosawa’s Johnny Depp

0:06:42 - who are actually major / minor characters in Seven Samurai

0:08:02 - class warfare of villagers vs samurai - pre-industrial / new vs old ways / tradition

0:09:32 - how struggle of post WWII Japan with Western values is reflected

0:10:44 - questions of identity during times of disruption when world is shaken (post war Japan vs Covid-19)

0:12:12 - what Westerns capture is a time when the world is on the edge of great change -
wagons vs. railroad vs rise of women’s rights

0:13:02 - influence of Westerns on Akira Kurosawa / irony of his influence on Magnificent Seven

0:14:10 - key scene of Kikuchiyo chastising samurai for making villagers into monsters

0:16:16 - Kikuchiyo and his role as bridge to both samurai and villagers

0:18:06 - why death of heroes raises stakes, e.g. Mandalorian

0:19:00 - how Seven Samurai inspired Episode 4 of Mandalorian Season 1 /
where Jon Favreau shows his reverence for Akira Kurosawa and Lone Wolf

0:20:24 - Seven Samurai reflecting old world vs new / team of mercenaries banding together

0:22:36 - social commentary of samurai, dishonor, classes - romance

0:24:02 - cultural differences between Seven Samurai and Magnificent Seven
what happens to Katsushirō and Shino vs Chico and Petra

0:24:46 - importance of village elder in Seven Samurai vs Magnificent Seven

0:26:00 - differences between Seven Samurai vs Magnificent Seven -
dire situation of villagers / class vs cultural divide

0:28:10 - how samurai stomaching rice vs millet was an issue

0:30:02 - why Kambei’s use of scorecard was effective

0:32:42 - having desire to prove himself Katsushirō begs Kambei to be sensei

0:34:54 *** short break ***

0:35:06 - un-Japansese philosophy of Seven Samurai choosing membersi vs. typical teams of Mission Impossible

0:37:02 - testing in Seven Samurai vs Magnificent Seven and lack of glamorous deaths

0:38:24 - Akira Kurosawa’s horizontal wipes inspired George Lucas’ Star Wars

0:39:12 - Seven Samurai music in dubstep “9 Samurai” by Kode 9 and Spaceape

0:39:50 - two speeds of characters - sprinting or stop

0:40:40 - iconic soundtrack of Magnificent Seven

0:41:20 - star-studded classic with Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson,
James Coburn, Robert Vaughn

0:42:56 - comparing Horst Buchholz as Chico vs Toshiro Mifune as Kikuchiyo

0:44:20 - Steve McQueen takes on some Kikuchiyo qualities like girl chaser

0:45:12 - PTSD character introduced with Robert Vaughn

0:46:32 - what we get for different motivations between each character

0:47:08 - Yul Brynner already “Man in Black” before Westworld

0:48:02 - how a Russian actor has played everything but - Cajun, Thai..

0:48:46 - what is deal with European actors in Magnificent Seven cast

0:49:40 - when we started to recognize PTSD after Korean War

0:51:10 - Robert Vaughn playing role with PTSD

0:52:30 - importance of community and earthly ties

0:53:18 - how Seven Samurai vs Magnificent differently portray villagers’ life

0:55:10 - differences of romance story between Seven Samurai and Magnificent Seven

0:56:40 - pride and honor between original vs remake

0:58:02 - was defending your honor as gunfighter more Code of West

0:59:12 - deception vs betrayal by villagers in original vs remake

0:59:50 - why gunfighters going back after betrayal is hard to believe

1:01:02 - how strong is Code of West to hired guns vs samurai

1:02:56 - how believable for hired guns to still keep fighting

1:04:08 - seeing other side of gunfighters’ humanity

1:07:06 - pacifism vs activism of villagers between original vs remake

1:09:16 - stubborn perseverance in Seven Samurai vs.Magnificent Seven

1:10:30 - Old West view of idyllic life settling down - pacifist message

1:11:48 - fighting for more than glory or yourself

1:12:24 - Bernardo chastising kids for calling father a coward

1:13:24 - coming out of Korean War, there is courage of homefront

1:14:10 - coming up next: Magnificent Seven - official vs unofficial remakes

original vs remake 2020,original vs remake,Seven Samurai,the magnificent seven,akira kurosawa,Toshiro Mifune,toshiro mifune movies,

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