Tesla is still dominating the Global Electric Vehicle Market in 2020.
Audi announces new 'highly efficient electric car'
The Model Y gets a very Positive Review From MotorTrend
Tesla cuts prices for their cars
Spacex makes history once again, with the flight of the dragon.
And we get a glimpse at Tesla upcoming Robotaxis
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📰- If you did not catch the last Ep. of BestInTESLA NEWS :
🎬 Check out some of my other videos :
"Who will NOT survive the switch to Electric cars ? VW, BMW, GM, are they already too late ?"
Tesla's quest for the best battery technology :
Tesla's secret | The Endgame ?
Flight of the Dragon
The Tesla Smarthome
Why you won’t buy a gas car in 10 years:
Feel free to use my referrals code if you are buying a Tesla, then you get 1000 miles free supercharging :
Product I have in my Tesla I can recommend:
My favourite All weather matts :