
3 Mistakes Women Make When Guys Pull Away

3 Mistakes Women Make When Guys Pull Away Do you panic when a guy starts pulling away? Don't make a mistake that could end your relationship! Follow my Little Love Steps:

3 Mistakes Women Make When Guys Pull Away
Mistake #1 is trying to fill the space. There's a natural tendency when we're in a relationship where if someone starts to pull back a little bit, we want to then fill that space as quickly as possible. And by the way, every relationship has its kind of ebbs and flows It goes from hot and then cold. That's pretty natural and it's especially true when you're in a new relationship. I've seen so many relationships end, just because someone, either it's the man or the woman, won't allow the relationship to just breathe a little bit.

Mistake #2 is trying to seek closure on some type of problem in the relationship. Now this is something that I personally needed to work on in my own relationship. If there's ever a time that Jess and I get in an argument or we're having issues, I always want to see closure, instantly, I don't like if there's any type of tension or issues where we're not completely aligned. However, over the years, I think I've become a little bit more pragmatic about relationships and how they work and how emotions are part of every decision in a relationship, and sometimes, you can't just get immediate closure. Sometimes one person wants to do one thing and another person wants to do another thing. If you're dating a guy and you're in this situation and you find him kind of pulling away a little bit or distancing himself a little bit, don't immediately freak out and don't feel like you need to create closure immediately Sometimes he might just need to go out for a day, maybe hang out with his friends a little bit, kinda clear his head, and then you can come to some sort of agreement.

And finally, mistake #3 that a lot of women make when guys start to pull away is assuming that they are the problem. Let me tell you lovely, single ladies something that is very important. When a guy is acting a little bit distant, sometimes it has nothing to do with you or the relationship. You are not always the problem. He could be having a problem with his finances. He could just be feeling sick that day. He could be dealing with the pandemic. He could have family issues. The list could go on and on and on, and none of these things have a direct relation to you or your relationship, but they still might cause him to pull away because he has to deal with these problems.

And finally, if you wanna learn how the "Little Love Steps" apply to your given love situation and to get some dating advice, leave a comment below this video with your question. What question do you have in your love life? I'm going to apply it to the Little Love Step process to help you get out there and find love. Leave the comment right there below.

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