It comes as fellow Sky News host Alan Jones said the Chinese Ambassador Cheng Jingye engaged in “belligerent behaviour” and has “dished out all sorts of threats” simply because Scott Morrison called for an inquiry into the origins of COVID-19.
A feud with Beijing over calls for an international inquiry into coronavirus has escalated after the Chinese embassy leaked details of a private phone call with Australian officials.
Chinese ambassador Cheng had leaked details of a phone call with Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Secretary Frances Adamson in which the ambassador flatly rejected the need for an investigation and urged Australia to put aside ideological bias and stop political games.
Mr Jones spoke of a recent article penned in The Sydney Morning Herald by Peter Hartcher who discussed the issue in detail.
Mr Jones said, “China has brought the western economies into a dark place” as a result of the implications felt from the deadly coronavirus pandemic.
“But the irony may be that the ultimate victim will be the Chinese Communist Party" if its citizens begin to resist the regime in the future.
Discussing that notion, Mr Richardson said he didn't "think it will happen".