Source: Jessica Menton, USA TODAY
While the CARES Act suspends debts like overdue student loans or back taxes that typically lead to the garnishment of tax refunds, it doesn't apply to delinquent child support payments. That means the government's relief checks will still be garnished if you're overdue. And some spouses who are filing joint tax returns with their late-paying partners are upset their stimulus money is being trimmed or withheld, even if they typically qualify for relief in situations like tax refunds.
Even if your spouse is solely responsible for the debt, a shared tax refund or stimulus check could be at risk.
.... If I owe child support, does the stimulus money go to my ex?
The stimulus payment that is reduced or withheld by the child support owed will go to the appropriate collecting office for the taxpayer's state. From there, that collecting office will issue the money to the custodial parent, the person due the child support.
#stimuluscheck #childsupport #covid19