This is the first video in what I plan to be a number of videos covering the theme of the 'Story Behind the Picture'. I have been planning/wanting to do this series of videos for a long time but simply haven't 'pulled the trigger' until now.
My thought is to add quite a bit of detail to the 'behind the scenes' background on some of what I consider to be the best still pictures I've taken while on my many backpacking adventures. In many cases I captured video clips of the stills pictures being taken in 'real time', and I plan to incorporate that real-time video to help bring the still pictures 'alive'.
I recognize that this in an entirely new 'genre' of YouTube videos for me, and I'm taking a bit of a risk in straying from the backpacking trip theme I'm most known for, but this is a topic I've been passionate about diving into for a while, and I felt compelled to finally take it on.
My hope is that you enjoy this 'deep dive' into some of my favorite images I've captured over all the backpacking years, and I certainly welcome any feedback you have to offer to help me improve the future videos I have planned on this theme.
Equipment / Gear List:
Still Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikkor 20mm f2.8 lens
Tripod: Sirui T-025X carbon fiber tripod
Boom Microphone: Sennheiser MKE600
Audio Recorder: Zoom H5
Microphone Stand: LyxPro SMT-1
Camera shoulder clip: Peak Designs Capture clip system
Video Editing Software: Vegas Pro 16
Photo Organization / Editing Software: Adobe Lightroom
HDR Software: Photomatix Pro 6
Screen Capture Software: ShareX (open source and free)
Base image exposures (all taken at 100 ISO):
D7C_7229 (normal exposure): 1.0sec f13
D7C_7230 (-2EV): 1.0sec f22
D7C_7231 (-2EV): 1.0sec f22
D7C_7232 (-1EV): 1.0sec f18
D7C_7233 (+1EV): 1.0sec f9.0
D7C_7234 (+2EV): 1.0sec f6.3
D7C_7235 (+3EV): 1.0sec f4.5
An interesting note on the values shown above... you'll notice that there are two '-2EV' exposures. That was not by design. f22 is the smallest aperature the lens has so it couldn't limit the light sufficiently with a 1.0 second exposure to create a -3EV image, as I intended. This is a situation that calls for the use of a neutral density (ND) filter to limit the light going to camera sensor, but at the time of this trip I did not have an ND filter. I now carry multiple ND filters on every trip to be used for full-daylight images like this one. (Each trip is a learning experience!). Even with only 6EV of exposure range it didn't dramatically influence the final HDR image - I believe, but don't know for certain, that the Photomatix Pro HDR software adjusts appropriately for this type of situation.