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JazakAllah Khair and may Allah bless each and everyone of you.
The speaker is Imam Zia Khan; the founder and director of The Centre for Islamic Development and Ihsan Academy.
He lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
I, Zia, am here because I believe that we Muslim should not be voiceless, that our thoughts, traditions, our collective pain and happiness should be told with a balanced view. As members of the minority, I believe that Muslims are subjugated to baseless taunts, that Muslims are viewed with the suspicious eye, and that, Muslims are the biggest victims, all-the-while portrayed as backward, wayward, and socially awkward.
I, as a Muslim, feel that, we have much to offer in every field. This is why I am here. We Muslims have depth of tradition, we have manners that are sublime and much needed in an ever growing hedonistic society, and we have revelatory sources that are pristine. We need to be seen and heard.
I think that we Muslims need not shy away from explaining our beautiful tradition to one and all. We should explain every facet of our way of life so there are no mysteries left in the psyche of the other; no conjectures hidden in the minds of people, no misunderstanding as to how and why we live the way we do in the hearts of the misinformed.
I am here to say that no one likes to be ridiculed and rejected, and that we Muslims want a fair share of understanding.
Let us all discourse with decency and decorum. I will do my best to produce the best of what we Muslims have and you can be the judge; but hear me out first before judging.
This channel is here to build you to be the best of you.
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Zia Khan