GOLFING DURING CORONA PART 2 | I live in Virginia and the numbers of corona virus has been going up steadily. There will come a time that the golf courses will close so in the meantime, I will try to create as much vlogs as possible safely. Black Milk and Big Ant was able to join me for this vlog. My golf game was horrible that day but I did have fun. Prior to my round, I did clean the cart while having a facemask on. We were able to play at Bristow Manor golf course located in Bristow, VA. They do have an upgraded club house which looked pretty nice. The front 9 has water throughout the course and the back 9 has a little more hills, subtle but slightly hilly. I did a what's in the bag with Black Milk, check out that part towards the end of the vlog. Thank you all for subscribing and watching. Please share, like and subscribe for those who haven't. Be Safe!!!
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The Backyard Golfer
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