Most people perceive themselves as how they believe others perceive them.
Whatever Illusion or Maya, False Ego - their perspective, and their ability to think about how they should operate, is all reflective on what they believe others perceive them to be. Mirroring an illusion.
🔑We set our own limitations.
🔑We are Electrical, Magnetic, Chemical Beings. Polarity.
🔑We are Human Beings not Human Doings -
🔑though still experiencing and building faculties within us through
🔑Discipline + Ritual.
🔑What are Disciplinary Foundations?
To constantly be re - evaluating and evolving our being the best we can, not meant in a negative way; rather, in a grounded state of awareness. Expanding our perspectives and opening our hearts and minds for the benefit of ONE.
🔑Discipline is momentum based. Getting in tune with Nature, Our Mother, and through this inward journey getting us back to being in tune with ourselves. Living at the Centerpoint of our being in Health and Harmony with our Mother.
🔑This is such a moment of Clarity. The collective going inward during quarantine will be the most helpful. Stillness and meditations of gratitude for the benefit of our collective evolution. Planting the seeds, and blissful nurturing.
🔑Being mindful of how we care for our physical avatar, to get our minds clear we must clean our bodies. Following our circadian rhythms, hydrating, reading great books, cultivating our minds. Ultimate Nutrition and detoxification on all levels to enhance our immunity and power.
It's a pandemic, what is happening.
"When I see Overweight children, I see children that are starving. They are starving for nutrients.They are getting empty calories in the forms of sugar and trans-fats. Their body goes into self preservation mode just to survive. Their body has an Autopaghy process and Macrophage process, removing the toxins from the organs creating an insulin response to blow up fat cells so it can store the toxins in the fat. Pancreas insulin response. ie Diabetes - is partly caused by a parasitic condition. Parasites are causing the body to go into states of extreme inflammation -
we are living in a very toxic environment, heavy metals, parasites. An overweight Nation. Lacking minerals and Nutrients, craving sugar, clinically DEHYDRATED.
The Highest Vibrational Raw Materials in the world. This is just one example.
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🔑This is the absolute most important technology you can have for you and your family.
Backed by Science and studies:
🔑Qi Technology -
Not functioning on frequency
Functioning on depolarization
Functioning on lessening the actual EMF exposure and adding electrons to your body and environment.
☼ @Chervin333 www.instagram.com/chervin333
☼ @Cymbiotika - www.instagram.com/cymbiotika
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☼ www.cymbiotika.com
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